Youth for Sustainable Mobility and Inclusion – TRAILS TRAILS provides support for the new generation of workforce in the field of urban mobility, specifically – electromobility, by providing access to new knowledge and skills, through which young...
Enhancing entrepreneurial ecosystems for education ENTREPRENEDU brings together different innovation stakeholders and educational entities from 6 different European countries, 3 low/moderate innovative regions (IT, BG, GR) and 3 high innovative regions (BE, DE, IE)....
SPREАDing the global potential of developing innovation ecosystems to strengthen INNOvation in regional and local business SPREAD2INNO brings together different innovation stakeholders – incubators, accelerators, innovation businesses, research organizations,...
Young Innovators fostering citizen Engagement for sustainable and fair Transformation and Innovation (YETI) The Young Innovators fostering citizen Engagement for sustainable and fair Transformation and Innovation (YETI) project aims to explore how the Young Innovators...
AgroDigiRise: European Digital Innovation Hub for Agriculture in the South Central Region AgroHub.BG is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) for the South Central Region, approved under the “Digital Europe” program with the AgroDigiRise project. It is...