Since 2020 Clеantech Bulgaria is the official Hub Manager of EIT Manufacturing – Innovation Community that connects the leading manufacturing actors in Europe. Fueled by a strong interdisciplinary and trusted community, we will add unique value to European products,...
Cleantech Bulgaria announces the start of the Urban MoVators programme – an accelerator for Bulgarian start-ups, who are ready to cultivate the innovative and entrepreneurial potential of the urban mobility ecosystem in Bulgaria. The program will source and nourish...
GREENER – boostinG industRy EngagemEnt iN grEen pRocurement. Reinforcе the industrial capacities to increase successful participation in GPP processes by improving the skill of Administrative and Middle management profiles. Project number:...
Vocational Training Center The “Aspekti” Vocational Training Center of Cleantech Bulgaria is licensed in NAPOO with No2019121503, dated 12.11.2019. The Center offers vocational training for obtaining a professional qualification in 8 professions and 8 specialties...
Main objective: Creating an enabling environment, which will support Young innovators to pioneer a change in the energy efficiency area by setting up highly innovative startups in the Danube macro-region. What are the main project activities? best practice...