Sofia Urban Challenge

Sofia Urban Challenge

Sofia Urban Challenge – Phase 2: The first system for shared electric bicycle use in Sofia! The initiative is organized by Cleantech Bulgaria and Green Sofia under a project funded by Climate-KIC and includes a wide range of partners. The solution and the...
Pioneers into Practice

Pioneers into Practice

Pioneers into practice is the only program aimed at reaching professional mobility of the EU in the fields of systemic green innovation. The program trains and develops the new generation professionals in Europe by providing them with the necessary knowledge and...
The Journey

The Journey

The Journey is the largest summer school for innovations and entrepreneurships in the field of climate change organized by Climate-KIC and partners. Over 400 students and professionals worldwide receive the opportunity to participate in the initiative which is held in...


Greenhouse is a 6-month pre-accelerator program for students with an enterprising spirit and a readiness to develop a concrete idea for sustainable business and eco-innovation. The program is financed and realized thanks to the largest European community for...


Climathon is a unique 24-hour event, a climate hackathon, carried out simultaneously in different cities worldwide. The events connects urban challenges to the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. Citizens of different locations worldwide...