EIT RawMaterials

EIT RawMaterials

Since 2021 the team of Cleantech Bulgaria has been supporting the development of the ecosystem in Bulgaria with a sectorial focus around the Raw Materials value chain. What is EIT? The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the...
SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools

SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools

SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools With the goal of decarbonising their transport, many cities in Europe have introduced or are planning to introduce zero-emission shared mobility services. These new shared mobility services often act as disruptors of...
EIT Climate-KIC HUB Bulgaria

EIT Climate-KIC HUB Bulgaria

From 2016 Cleantech Bulgaria is the official Hub Manager of EIT Climate-KIC – a European knowledge and innovation community, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. The Bulgarian Hub works with the local innovation ecosystem – organisations...
EIT Manufacturing HUB Bulgaria

EIT Manufacturing HUB Bulgaria

Since 2020 Clеantech Bulgaria is the official Hub Manager of EIT Manufacturing – Innovation Community that connects the leading manufacturing actors in Europe. Fueled by a strong interdisciplinary and trusted community, we will add unique value to European products,...


GREENER – boostinG industRy EngagemEnt iN grEen pRocurement. Reinforcе the industrial capacities to increase successful participation in GPP processes by improving the skill of Administrative and Middle management profiles. Project number:...