EduEx 2021 – Communicate the change

EduEx 2021 – Communicate the change

RIS EduEx 2021 is an educational experiment initiative of EIT Climate-KIC in order to bring  fresh voices and new thinking from EIT RIS regions into their community, and to learn together. They wanted to develop the learnings and outputs from the experiments within...
EIT RawMaterials

EIT RawMaterials

Since 2021 the team of Cleantech Bulgaria has been supporting the development of the ecosystem in Bulgaria with a sectorial focus around the Raw Materials value chain. What is EIT? The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the...
SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools

SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools

SuSMo – Shared Mobility Transition Guidance Tools With the goal of decarbonising their transport, many cities in Europe have introduced or are planning to introduce zero-emission shared mobility services. These new shared mobility services often act as disruptors of...
EIT Climate-KIC HUB Bulgaria

EIT Climate-KIC HUB Bulgaria

From 2016 Cleantech Bulgaria is the official Hub Manager of EIT Climate-KIC – a European knowledge and innovation community, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. The Bulgarian Hub works with the local innovation ecosystem – organisations...