The national final of ClimateLaunchpad Bulgaria 2018 has come to an end!

Botanic room, LiveMatter and Spoontaneous are the three startup teams who will compete with 136 finalists from 46 countries at the international finals of the competition in Edinburgh, Scotland! Again, we would like to thank all the teams that took part in the training and the big race – you were great!
ClimateLaunchpad Bulgaria 2018 was the fourth edition of the national final of the largest international competition for emerging green business ideas.
The event took place in Sofia Tech Park and gathered on one stage Bulgarian visionaries with promising innovative business solutions to tackle climate change.
Six Bulgarian teams presented their business ideas to an expert jury and fought for the big prize: the top 3 finalists will represent Bulgaria at the ClimateLaunchpad International Final in Edinburgh, Scotland, where they will compete for a cash prize of up to € 10,000 and access to the Acceleration Program of the Climate-KIC.
Last year’s ClimateLaunchpad finalist “Sea Harmony” is the 10th Bulgarian company approved for funding by the Horizon 2020 Program – Small and Medium Enterprises! With its vertical mussel farms the Bulgarian company won first prize among 964 projects in the category “Sustainable food production” in the world’s largest competition for ideas for clean technology and green business, ClimateLaunchpad in 2017. This is the first Bulgarian project which won a distinction for our country.
For more information:
Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development