Energy Community HUB – Developing supporting services for the creation of Energy Communities The ENCOM HUB project is focused on developing Energy Communities (ECs) that are owned and operated by citizens, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and public...
MASTERY – Micro-credentiAlS reliabiliTy unlEashing gReen economY MASTERY aims to set a standard in the integration of micro-credentials to meet the growing demand for upgrading and re-skilling in strategic sectors to make the green transition a development...
Winter school on Exploration and Education for Urban Mobility Leaders – EXCEL EXCEL offers students from RIS countries the opportunity to participate in a Winter School dedicated to equipping them with new knowledge in urban mobility and thus making them active...
BuildSkillsAcademy The project No. 101104419 “Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment” (BuildSkills Academy) is financed under the Erasmus+ program, co-financed by the European Union. The project started on the 1st of June 2023 with a...
Shift 2 Green – Promoting Eco-friendly Habits at Work with Gamification The consequences of climate change and the need for ecological transition have a significant impact on Europe’s policymaking processes related to introducing sustainable measures towards...