MASTERY – Micro-credentiAlS reliabiliTy unlEashing gReen economY MASTERY aims to set a standard in the integration of micro-credentials to meet the growing demand for upgrading and re-skilling in strategic sectors to make the green transition a development...
Shift 2 Green – Promoting Eco-friendly Habits at Work with Gamification The consequences of climate change and the need for ecological transition have a significant impact on Europe’s policymaking processes related to introducing sustainable measures towards...
Youth for Sustainable Mobility and Inclusion – TRAILS TRAILS provides support for the new generation of workforce in the field of urban mobility, specifically – electromobility, by providing access to new knowledge and skills, through which young...
Enhancing entrepreneurial ecosystems for education ENTREPRENEDU brings together different innovation stakeholders and educational entities from 6 different European countries, 3 low/moderate innovative regions (IT, BG, GR) and 3 high innovative regions (BE, DE, IE)....
SPREАDing the global potential of developing innovation ecosystems to strengthen INNOvation in regional and local business SPREAD2INNO brings together different innovation stakeholders – incubators, accelerators, innovation businesses, research organizations,...