Technology to Market for Competitive Manufacturing in Europe – Tech2Market

Tech2Market is a project offering acceleration program that aims to facilitate the process of successfully transferring deeptech R&D to the market in the manufacturing industry. The goal is to select the most promising solutions through a competition, and then empower the scientific and technical teams behind them with tailored coaching on entrepreneurship skills provided by a remarkable network of mentors. 

Grant agreement:: 22144
Funding program: EIT Manufacturing
Budget: EUR 595 965
Start Date: 01.01.2022
End Date: 31.12.2022
Duration: 12 months

Main activities designed to achieve the project goals:

  • Selection of mentors who will support Venture Competition participants to build capacity and skills
  • “Train the Trainer” program to mentors aiming to equip business professionals with skills on topics such as pitching, technology-product-market, value proposition, problem definition, business modelling and go-to-market planning
  • Acceleration program offering to participants two bootcamps with expert coaching, trainings, workshops, pitching clinics and 8 weeks mentorship program.

Expected outcomes from the implementation of the project:

  • Successfully transferring deeptech R&D to the market in the manufacturing industry
  • Тrain a new generation of mentors and entrepreneurs in the manufacturing industry that are able to convert their technical knowledge into applied value in the market
  • Select the best in class through competion and then empower these scientific and technical teams with entrepreneurship skills in order to allow them to monetize their R&D results.


INESC TEC, Portugal

Building Global Innovators (BGI), Portugal

Łukasiewicz-PIAP, Poland

MADE, Italy

Cleantech Bulgaria (CTBG), Bulgaria

Buildit, Lithuania

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development

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