Smart Educational Framework for DIGItalization – SmartDIGI

This project aims to improve the EIT RIS countries’ innovation capacity by changing the educational approach, enhancing the “digital” skills of manufacturing SMEs and promoting digitalization under the umbrella of Industry 4.0.

SmartDIGI provides a program where students, academics, and SMEs work together to build skills by co-creating solutions to real manufacturing challenges. . Therefore, Teaching and Learning Factory approaches are combined with information open events to apply jointly developed solutions to industrial problems.

Grant agreement: 22240
Funding program: EIT Manufacturing
Budget: EUR 249 189
Start Date: 01.01.2022
End Date: 31.12.2022
Duration: 12 months

Main activities designed to achieve the project goals:

  • Development of a Smart Educational Framework with methodology
  • Development of educational content (digital nuggets) and guidelines on how to conduct and apply Teaching and Learning Factories and other training activities.
  • Development of Knowledge Exchange Network, involving universities, RTOS, and manufacturing SMEs.
  • Provision of SmartDIGI learning and training services in 5 project countries, focusing on relevant challenges connected to digitalization.


Expected outcomes from the implementation of the project:

  • Academia-industry collaboration will benefit the social and economic growth of the countries and regions where the model is implemented.
  • Companies will gain access to expert knowledge and to a pool of novel ideas resulting from Academia R&D activities.
  • Employees and students will develop their high-tech skills and competencies through participation in Teaching and Learning Factories.
  • Academia will validate their research, solving real industrial challenges.


Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras (LMS), Greece

Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Czech Republic

Tecnalia, Spain

IMH, Spain

LINPRA, Lithuania

Cleantech Bulgaria (CTBG), Bulgaria

Intechcentras, Lithuania