ENDURANCE: Innovative training to integrate the European Green Deal’s strategies in SMEs and startups by creating a Green Accelerator methodology for EU clusters
Clusters play a crucial role as vital contributors and intermediaries in fostering European alliances aimed at advancing the green transition. They leverage their expertise and knowledge to facilitate the sustainable transformation of the industrial sector.
ENDURANCE seeks to establish a pan-European green accelerator methodology, empowering EU clusters to incorporate strategies for the green transition in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups. The project aims to drive the success of these businesses by instilling a sense of purpose and nurturing the development of future visionary leaders in the green sector.
Grant agreement: KA220-VET-82D5526E
Funding program: Erasmus+
Budget: 250 000 EUR
Start Date: October 1, 2023
End Date: September 31, 2025
Duration: 24 months
Project activities include:
- Creating scenarios and a pan-European curriculum for sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Development of a methodological manual for green acceleration for cluster teams.
- Development of a set of video tools on good practices for green growth and strategies for environmental innovation.
- Providing a facilitator’s guide and workshop toolkit on green acceleration for cluster management teams.
Expected results:
- Promoting the shift towards sustainability in clusters and small to SMEs by enhancing the skills of employees to meet the increasing demand for expertise in the green sector.
- Ensuring compatibility between economic development and environmental protection in the industry in order to put the EU at the forefront of the fight against climate change.
- Supporting a network of SMEs and startups in member states that prioritize environmental and social impact, fostering growth within their industries and attracting highly skilled professionals.

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development