Fourth Newsletter of the GREENER Project!

Fourth Newsletter of the GREENER Project!

We are pleased to present to you the fourth newsletter of the GREENER - Boosting industry engagement in green procurement project, under the Erasmus + programme.   This is the last newsletter of the project and you will learn how the final conference in Brussels...

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Final conference GREENER

Final conference GREENER

The GREENER project is entering at its final phase, and we would like to invite you to the final conference that will take place in Brussels on 24 November 2022. You can find the agenda here. To attend, you can register here before 16 November 2022. The event will...

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The fourth newsletter of the GRESS project is online.

The fourth newsletter of the GRESS project is online.

We are pleased to present to you the fourth edition of the GRESS project (co-funded by INTERREG EUROPE programme) newsletter. In the newsletter you will learn more about the process of developing the regional action plans, the synergies with the CESME project, our...

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The InnoCap Project is looking for its ambassadors

The InnoCap Project is looking for its ambassadors

Cleantech Bulgaria invites you to become AMBASSADOR in InnoCap project, developed under EIT Urban Mobility initiative. The InnoCap aims to promote innovation and capacity building in the field of urban mobility. The project will run in 4 countries Bulgaria, Greece,...

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