On the 19th of February 2024 the National Event for Bulgarian ambassadors of the European Climate Pact was held. Cleantech Bulgaria is the official coordinator of the activities of the Pact, and we were happy, along with our hosts of the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, to welcome the ambassadors of the Pact in the House of Europe.

At the event, our ambassadors engaged in fruitful discussions on Pact priority topics related to climate policy, education and awareness raising on climate change, and low-carbon economy. The group discussions led to concrete proposals on how we could, with united efforts, raise the awareness of more people in Bulgaria about climate change and, accordingly, involve them in a sustainable way of thinking and behaving. We also identified some of the gaps that could be addressed at the societal and institutional level to introduce climate as a horizontal policy that would also emphasize protection of human health. Finally, we also discussed examples of steps businesses could take towards decarbonisation such as carbon reporting and quotas in even more sectors and raising awareness among small businesses of available tools to measure their footprint.

We are extremely happy that in the community of Pact supporters in Bulgaria we find such committed and active like-minded people, united around the cause of helping our planet to be healthy and clean for all people.

As part of the European Green Deal, the Climate Pact aims to become a vibrant space to share information, discuss ideas and action on the climate crisis and offer support for the European climate movement to grow and consolidate.

If you find yourself among the supporters of Pact’s mission, you can visit his page HERE.

More information about the Pact is also available on our website HERE.