Today, June 26, 2023, in the city of Sofia, the kick-off meeting of project No. 101104419 “Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment” (BuildSkills Academy), financed under the Erasmus+ program, co-financed by the European Union, was launched. The project started on June 1, 2023 with a total budget of 3,938,490.00 Euro. The coordinator of the project is “Cleantech Bulgaria” Ltd. We are proud that the EC voted for this high honor and trust to our team and to Bulgaria! Together with Cleantech, the Bulgarian partners are the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and “Construction Qualification” JSC (a company under the umbrella of the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria).

The consortium brings together 17 partners from 10 European countries, who will work together to achieve the main goal of the project – creating a pan-European framework and scheme for certification and upgrading of knowledge and skills for the so-called “twin” transition (green and digital) with a focus on the construction sector. An important role in the project is played by organizations providing vocational education and training and their main task will be to update and adapt the services offered to the emerging new needs in the field of green and digital skills.

Within the framework of the project, a BuildEnrichedSkills methodology will be prepared to promote the offering of training related to the real needs of the labor market when applying the “lifelong learning” approach, incl. through reskilling and upskilling. A procedure will also be developed to support vocational education and training centers to boost the rapid adaptation of the workforce to the twin green and digital transition. Another leading objective is the creation of a certification framework for the recognition of skills and competences corresponding to the needs of the twin transition, which will serve as a reference at the global level for the improvement and certification of VET services.

The results achieved by the project will be transferred to 12 pilot projects in 6 countries, involving 300 trainees and reaching 100 vocational training providers, 1 000 companies and 20 organizations at European level in the field of construction skills thus achieving at least 100 collaborations between VET and industry.

The project Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment is co-funded by the European Union, ERASMUS+ Programme under Grant Agreement number: 101104419