We are pleased to announce that the second Newsletter of the TRAILS project is issued. Youth for Sustainable Mobility and Inclusion is a collaboration between Cleantech Bulgaria and the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST). The project is funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Knowledge and Innovation Community “Urban Mobility”, under the Call for Proposals for RIS Education for the EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025.

We invite you to delve into the fresh content and learn more about the journey that led to the creation of the TRAILS training methodology. Since the first Newsletter came out, the project partners closely collaborated on developing the content of the model and participated in a total of six events to organize piloting sessions with educators and students from Bulgaria and Malta, as well as to conduct round tables. These activities aided the adaptation of the TRAILS training model to the needs and expectations of the target groups and helped the consortium gather valuable feedback for the finalized version of the methodology.

The newsletter is available here