As part of the implementation of the GenGapsDiGi Project activities, the project consortium has developed a Behavioral Change Action Model. The development of the Model is based on desk research and survey results about the gender gap perceptions in the ICT sector. It is divided in three different modules:

  • Module 1 „Schools “
  • Module 2 „Universities “
  • Module 3 „Companies“

The Behavior Change Action Model will help promote increasing the knowledge and capacity of school teachers to apply new teaching methods for digital gender skills. The project will engage and motivate young women to pursue a career in ICT by encouraging them, showing them best practices and success stories of women in ICT, connecting them to education and employment providers.

In addition, the Model will have positive impact on companies by providing them the means and methodologies to attract female talent in their teams, thus increasing productivity. The combination of these behavior change levers will increase female confidence for ICT, will decrease negative stereotypes and will reshape the labor market to be more equal and inclusive.

As a next step, the Project consortium has started the piloting of the Behavioral Change Action Model by organizing mutuals meeting with relevant stakeholders for each of the Model modules. During the meetings, the GenGapsDiGi experts present to the stakeholders the relevant module of the model, in order to discuss its content and to collect feedback for its improvement of the final version of the Behavioral Change Action Model.