The fourth edition of the Cleantech Bulgaria and EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator has concluded!

6 new entrepreneurial teams have completed the Bulgarian edition of Europe’s largest pre-seed acceleration program for sustainable business, clean technologies and climate innovation – EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator.
ReUse App, EnovaH20, Grid Metrics, Biomyc, OS Implants and Nasekomo presented their innovative solutions within the demo day of the programme in the presence of representatives of leading Bulgarian companies, investors, public institutions and entrepreneurs.
From April to September, we worked intensely with these green entrepreneurs to validate their business model, prototype and improve their product, reach first customers, reach deals with partners and attract additional investment.
The EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator runs for a fourth consecutive year in Bulgaria and is coordinated by Cleantech Bulgaria. It is a 6-month program, accompanied by specialized services, coaching and grant funding amounting up to EUR 50,000 per team.
At European level, more than 1400 start-ups from 24 EU countries have been accelerated by the prоgramme so far. The attracted investment is estimated at over EUR 600 million since 2011. In Bulgaria through the the Accelerator over 1.4 million EUR were raised by the 30 Bulgarian start-up graduates.
The 2020 batch of EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator Bulgaria will be announced and open for applications by the end of the year. Stay tuned in!
Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development