As part of the GenGapsDiGi project, a survey was made for students, teachers and company employees. The aim of the study is to gather information on reproduction, awareness and attitudes towards gender stereotypes in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Technological improvement and digitalization, change our daily lives and professional paths. The European Low Institute for Gender Equality says that if more women get involved in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), it will lead to economic growth, with more jobs.

The results of the survey show that there is discrimination among students, teachers and especially employees. Over 60% of employees believe that the media stereotypes women in the workplace. Over 50% of students voted with the highest possible score, saying that boys are more likely to start a career in ICT. Moreover, results show that all target groups fully agree (as choosing the highest score) that the governments of different countries should work to reduce gender inequality. Overall this study shows that in each age group there is gender discrimination and not enough action has been taken on the issue.