EENOVA: Energy Efficiency in regioNal fOod Processing Value chAins EENOVA is dedicated to addressing the key challenges associated with the food chain’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Our primary objectives revolve around promoting energy-efficient solutions,...
MASTERY – Micro-credentiAlS reliabiliTy unlEashing gReen economY MASTERY aims to set a standard in the integration of micro-credentials to meet the growing demand for upgrading and re-skilling in strategic sectors to make the green transition a development...
Cleantech Bulgaria is the Country Coordinator in Bulgaria for the Activities of the European Climate Pact For a second year in a row, Cleantech Bulgaria is the official country coordinator in Bulgaria for the European Climate Pact activities. Our community of...
ENDURANCE: Innovative training to integrate the European Green Deal’s strategies in SMEs and startups by creating a Green Accelerator methodology for EU clusters Clusters play a crucial role as vital contributors and intermediaries in fostering European alliances...
European Digital Innovation Hub in Construction Sector The European Digital Innovation Hub in Construction Sector is established in 2021. The association, uniting the efforts of branch organizations, educational institutions, leading companies in the field of...