RISE – Resilient Innovation Ecosystems for EU Value Chains
Project RISE aims to accelerate innovation deployment and foster sustainable cooperation in less developed regions—Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Portugal, being supported by transitional regions in Spain, Finland and Sweden and gathering experience from developed regions from France and Italy.
RISE is built on 5 major pillars: Focus on innovation for less developed regions; Providing support in key areas; Identification of shared S3 areas; SMEs in the centre of activities; Developing a Pipeline of relevant projects.
Grant agreement: 101133160
Funding: Programme: Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument, European Regional Development Fund
Start Date: 01.11.023
Closing Date: 31.10.2025
Duration of the project: 24 months
Project activities:
- Analysis of the Status Quo and setting up a pan-European ecosystem
- Ecosystem building and facilitating collaboration in EU value chains
- Pipeline of investment projects
- Bringing projects close to market
Expected results of the project implementation:
- Prepared assessment of local innovation ecosystems in underdeveloped regions and comparing them with the European standard, assessing their opportunities for development and implementation of various innovations, offering recommendations for improvements
- Creating local roadmaps connecting companies and promoting cooperation between local and regional companies and international and European stakeholders
- Organizing an event where SMEs from different regions can meet
- Creation of consortia of different companies to propose their ideas
- Selection of projects ready for financing and investment planning for them
- Prepared plan and road map for financing with developed model for mixed financing
- Holding a seminar to discuss the results and propose policy measures, including special proposals for less developed regions.
The consortium of eight partners, led by Cleantech Bulgaria in it’s role of coordinator, N-ABLE’s (France), Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources or ACPMR’s (Portugal), Fundación ICAMCyL (Spain), LE2C – Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster (Italy), DIGIPOLIS (Finland), PAPER PROVINCE and TECOS (Slovenia) will drive the green and digital transition, emphasizing on key areas such as Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing, Bioeconomy, Smart Technologies and more.

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development