The University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF) and Cleantech Bulgaria are launching the master’s program “Circular Economy and Sustainable Management – Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Clean Technologies”.

The program is officially launched in October 2018 and will be concentrated on weekend courses and additional lectures with international guest speakers.

The training format is practical, based on the principle of learning by doing and offers flexible distance learning opportunities and online modules with access to knowledge and learning resources. Highly qualified lecturers at the European and national level, academics and business representatives will be lecturers and guest speakers in the program, focusing on practice and sharing their experience in implementing the circular business model in their organization.

Who is the program intended for?

  • businesses at medium and high management level;
  • startup companies;
  • the non-governmental sector;
  • public administration.

How to apply:

Find further information here.

Program duration: April 2018 – June 2018

Application period: September 2018

Applications are open until September 2018

Coordinator of Cleantech Bulgaria’s Master Program “Circular Economy and Sustainable Management – Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Clean Technologies” (CESM)

Nusha Spirova
[email protected]
+35988 932 74 49


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Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development

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