Main objective of GRESS:

To improve policies for SMEs’ competitiveness by strengthening capacities to trigger and support formation of sustainable and competitive start-ups and spin-offs within the green economy.

Main activities of GRESS

The partners will apply a policy learning process in the following steps:

  • Status of the green growth in each region
  • Scan and exchange of experience and identification of good practice for mutual learning
  • Assessment and ranking of relevant practices through peer assessment in RSGs
  • Idea generation on policy intervention with interregional transfer


  • Kristiansand Municipality, Norway
  • Municipality of Piraeus, Greece
  • Westpomeranian Region, Poland
  • Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy

The project is co-funded by ERDF.

Total budget: 1,054,671 EUR

ERDF contribution: 525,980.25 EUR

Project period: 01.08.2019 – 31.07.2023

Период на проекта: 01.08.2019 – 31.01.2023
Project description

The need to promote a shift towards a low-carbon economy represents many business opportunities. The Small Business Act highlighted that the EU and Member States should enable SMEs to exploit these opportunities.

There are many good practice examples that build capacity of green and blue companies, but unfortunately many of these examples are not replicated in other regions and remain unexploited.

 The GRESS project under the Interreg Europe programme will focus on an intensive process of  interregional exchange of good practices in the field green economy  in order to support policy improvements with the lessons learnt from the partner regions. The improvements are envisaged to raise awareness on the opportunities for SMEs in the green & blue economy, improve the quality of trainings programmes from green start-ups, attract more SMEs to participate and succeed in public procurement procedures for green products and services, improve access of SMEs to risk capital outside the local region and introduce improved schemes for green start-ups.

Coordinator of GRESS from Cleantech Bulgaria:

Elitsa Petkova [email protected]
               Project co-funded by the European Union funds                                    



                                            A stream of cooperation


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Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development

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