GREENER – boostinG industRy EngagemEnt iN grEen pRocurement.

Reinforcе the industrial capacities to increase successful participation in GPP processes by improving the skill of Administrative and Middle management profiles.

Project number: 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079278
Duration: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022
Budget: 174 727, 00€

The project aims to:

  1. Improve the skills of procurers and administrative profiles focusing on SMEs, with regard to GPP criteria.
  2. Enhance the responsiveness of curricula of traditional profiles, such as administrative professionals working in SMEs tendering departments, to the future demand of skills.
  3. Increase the employability of VET students facing the global challenges.
  4. Improve regional actors’ readiness and create knowledge awareness on the influence of green public procurement on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses operating in the region.
  5. Foster the VET attractivity relaunching the close cooperation between VET, public administrations, government agencies and bodies established to support SME development and SMEs, the Transparency Tools for skills validation and trainers’ capacity to apply an international mindset for education.

Expected results:

  • Support to the staff of SMEs in acquiring appropriate practical skills, knowledge, and access to information in order to successfully implement GPP.
  • Promotion of support to local administration to set an example by including environmental considerations and to apply them in their planning process.
  • Integration of circular economy requirements into green public procurement.
  • Public procurement will no longer be treated as only an administrative procedure to purchase products and services but as an important tool to help reaching strategic goals, including efficiency objectives.
  • Clear GPP criteria to boost the interest towards the opportunity it provides for competitive way to make sales.

GREENER’s partners define a strategic partnership among Bulgaria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, including:

Cleantech Bulgaria

Bulgarian Consultancy Organization BCO (BG)

Sistemi Formativi Confindustria SCPA (IT)

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna SSSA

Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera CETEM (ES)

Association des villes et régions pour la gestion durable des ressources ACR+ (BE)


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Клийнтех България е бизнес мрежа за чисти технологии, иновации и устойчиво развитие

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