Cleantech Bulgaria is a lead partner for the GEMSS project (Geo-modeling for Integrated Mobility Solutions in Sofia) under the program of EIT Urban Mobility, in collaboration with “Green Sofia”, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Center for Urban Mobility.
In the framework of the project, the current condition of previously identified zones with intense traffic – streets, intersections, street parking will be researched through innovative approach for mapping the city units with high resolution. The goal of the project is to suggest innovative solutions for dealing with the problem of excessive traffic and parking on the streets in these areas of the city.
– Cleantech Bulgaria
– “Green Sofia”
– Center for Urban Mobility
– Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
The activities include mapping of the zones with highly excessive traffic and accumulation of parked cars. The data gathered will be processed in GIS-format and summarized through localization-based analysis and modeling, serving as an instrument for decision making with the purpose of improving the activity of public transport, including the development of intermodal HUBs, buffer parking spaces and leading public transport to key areas of the city (Park and Ride stations). Furthermore, the data will be used for the promotion of alternatives to car transportation which will reduce the traffic load on the streets by the parked cars, reduce the usage of personal cars, and also increase the usage of public space for living, and not for transportation.
Based on the above-mentioned analysis, the main challenge will be determined, which will in turn be tackled with an open innovative approach (Open innovation initiative). The purpose is to attract the innovative capacity of the regional start-up companies, universities and organizations that develop research activities. They will be invited to present solutions with pilot testing potential in Sofia. The applicability of the best solutions will be analyzed in advance, thus the most effective method for pilot testing and potential application will be drafted in 2021.
Sofia is the fastest developing city in Bulgaria, however the personal car remains the preferred method for transportation, which leads to highly loaded intersections and accumulation of cars that are parked on the streets. Furthermore, there is a lack of infrastructure that can accommodate the increasing needs of the city. Exactly these are the problems addressed by the GEMSS project. Its activity is directly aimed at the 28,8% of the citizens (around 350 thousand people) that use their cars on daily basis according to the Plan for Sustainable urban mobility from 2019.
The introduction of data-based solutions will reduce the travel time to the work place, reduce the stress levels associated with driving, reduce the carload on the urban infrastructure, as well as the greenhouse gas emissions from the regular car traffic and in that way, improve the city landscape and quality of life in Sofia.
Cleantech Bulgaria is a long-term partner of Sofia Municipality and actively contributes for the implementation of innovative solutions for the improvement of the urban environment. The current project is part of the measures, aimed at the urban mobility in the capital and the decisions that provide better services to the citizens, based on the data gathered by mapping specific areas with loaded traffic and accumulation of parked cars.