Energy Community HUB – Developing supporting services for the creation of Energy Communities

The ENCOM HUB project is focused on developing Energy Communities (ECs) that are owned and operated by citizens, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and public authorities in France, Spain, Italy, and Bulgaria. This initiative aims to provide a comprehensive suite of support services to facilitate the creation and expansion of energy communities through innovative and sustainable methodologies.

Budget: €1,383,111

Start date: 01.01.2024

End date: 31.12.2026

Duration: 36 months

Project Activities:

  • Framework Development: Establish a comprehensive service framework to support energy community initiatives across France, Italy, and Spain in rural and small-town settings. Activities in Bulgaria include using the successful results achieved in other countries to promote the energy transition and the development of energy communities in the country.
  • Pilot Implementation: Test and refine services through 15 pilot energy community initiatives in selected regions to adapt the organisational model for broader applicability.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Share best practices and collaborate on policy advocacy to enhance support for energy communities, involving local and national policymakers.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Organize training and seminars to develop solutions and frameworks supporting the energy community sector.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Established EC Hubs: Three EC Hubs in France, Italy, and Spain, serving as models for replicating the energy community support framework.
  • Community Initiatives: Successful pilot initiatives demonstrate energy communities’ viability and benefits.
  • Policy Improvements: Enhanced regulatory and financial frameworks that facilitate the growth and sustainability of energy communities.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: A robust body of knowledge and resources shared across regions to effectively promote and replicate energy community models.


Participating in the project alongside CLEANTECH BULGARIA are several international entities:

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development

Member of: