From 2016 Cleantech Bulgaria is the official Hub Manager of EIT Climate-KIC – a European knowledge and innovation community, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. The Bulgarian Hub works with the local innovation ecosystem – organisations (e.g. SMEs, universities, research labs, regions, NGOs and cities) and innovators (e.g. students, researchers, entrepreneurs). Our focus is on developing climate innovation through education, acceleration and innovation projects and establishing a structured dialogue with national, regional and local authorities.
What is EIT?
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate. The EIT is an integral part of Horizon 2020, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. To reach out to the countries not participating in the consortium, where innovation capacity is moderate or modest, EIT has set up Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS).

What is EIT Climate-KIC?
Climate-KIC идентифицира и подкрепя иновациите, които помагат на обществото да смекчи и да се адаптира към изменението на климата. Те вярват, че декарбонизираната, устойчива икономика е не само необходима за предотвратяване на катастрофалните климатични промени, но и предлага множество възможности за бизнеса и обществото.

Hub Coordinator:
Cleantech Bulgaria (CTBG) – the innovation and cleantech network in Bulgaria is Hub Coordinator covering all activities related to overall Hub Management (operational and financial). CTBG is also engaged with the Hubs’ Network Development role (coordination and contact with the rest of the Hub Members).
Hub Members:

Sofia Development Association (SDA) – SDA is Hub member and contributes to the Hubs’ Communication and Outreach activities by ensuring proper awareness-raising on the territory of Sofia municipality and bringing on board relevant stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as citizens engagement.

National Center for Public Health and Analysis (NCPHA) is a public body operating under the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria. It brings together relevant stakeholders from public and NGO sectors working in the field of climate change and health-related interdependencies.
In the next years, the Hub members will dedicate efforts to further develop the local eco-system and connect it with the large EIT Climate-KIC family with the aim to identify new topics of innovation-based experimentation and clustering the already running activities within the network. The team will seek opportunities also to extend the positive experience into other domains of high potential, like digitization for sustainable growth either under the place-based innovation model or in certain industry sectors (smart agriculture, construction, etc). Closer integration among stakeholders, and also across programs will be sought to maximise the impact of the Hub’s activity.