Construction Blueprint II

The main objective of ‘Construction Blueprint 2‘ is to create new strategic approaches and cooperation for specific skills development solutions, in the short and the medium term, in areas contributing to the achievements of the principles composing the Pact for Skills in Construction, by means of designing and developing core curricula for the construction industry including VET and HE and delivering training actions to cover those skills that these curricula address, among other activities. This Pact aims to help public and private organisations to upgrade their skills so that they can move forward in the green and digital transitions. To address the challenges of ‘Construction Blueprint 2’, a consortium made up of 20 organisations (whose profile correspond to training providers (VET centres and Universities), sectoral representatives, social partners, innovation centres and technological developers), from 10 European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) has been created to develop activities and tasks to achieve aims and goals under the green and digital transition in the construction sector, to anticipate the emerging skills and the urgent training needs of workers.

Grant agreement: 101187470

Funding programme: Erasmus+ Programme. Alliances for Innovation. Lot 2.

Budget: 3 990 829.00 €

Start date: 01/01/2025

End date: 31/12/2028

Duration: 48 months

The project activities include:

  • Update of Construction Skills Observatory
  • Promotion of the Pact for Skills
  • Development of Skills Strategy for the Construction Ecosystem
  • Design of web-app for re- and upskilling resources in the construction sector
  • Design of modular training curricula for VET and HE and innovative training programmes
  • Design of digital matrix for emerging skills for the construction industry.
  • Development of a micro-competence certification approach
  • Dissemination actions, attractiveness campaigns, exchange of relevant experiences.

Expected project results:

  • Секторно разузнаване на уменията в строителството – Обсерватория за строителни умения, цифрова матрица за нововъзникващи умения
  • Методология и инструменти за мониторинг на прилагането на Пакта за умения в строителството
  • Стратегия за умения за строителната екосистема (вкл. Пътна карта и план за действие).
  • Уеб приложение за интегриране на наличните ресурси за повишаване и преквалификация в строителния сектор
  • Модулни обучителни материали за ПОО и висшето образование, включително за придобиване на меки умения, предприемачески умения, технологични умения
  • Иновативна програма за обучение за подобряване на уменията за продължаващо ПОО
  • Предложение за подход за сертифициране на микрокомпетенции
  • План за устойчивост, за да се гарантира реализация на резултатите след края на проекта
  • Sectoral skills intelligence in construction – Construction Skills observatory, digital matrix for emerging skills

  • Methodology and tools for the monitoring of the implementation of the Pact for Skills

  • Skills Strategy for the Construction Ecosystem (Roadmap and Action plan).

  • Web App for the integration of the available up- and re-skilling resources in the construction sector

  • Modular training materials for VET and HE incl. soft skills, entrepreneurial skills, technological skills

  • Innovative training programme to upgrade CVET skills.

  • Proposal of a micro-competence certification approach.

  • Sustainability Plan to ensure continuity of results after the end of the project.
