City Loops – Circular Business Innovations for Sustainable Urban Transitions is an educational project funded by EIT Climate-KIC in the period July 2019 – December 2020 aiming to increase the capacity in circular business solutions among practitioners from specific economic sectors and to enable the establishment of self-sustaining communities for knowledge exchange in circular approaches. The project is implemented in an international consortium comprising partners from Germany (Provadis School of International Management & Technology, Circular Berlin, Wuppertal Institute), Scotland (The University Court of the University of Edinburgh – ECCI) and Bulgaria (Cleantech Bulgaria).

In 2019 the partners participated in Train the trainer activities on tools for identification of waste, tracking of material flows and development of circular business models. In 2020 each partner will implement the training programme in the respective location through the organization of 3-days workshops with representatives of specific sector for introduction and work with the tools.

In its capacity of implementing partner, the Cleantech Bulgaria Team is engaged with the preparation and adaptation of training materials and tools to the local context. The training phase will take place in the period August – October 2020 and targets representatives from the construction sector. Construction is among the top priority sectors for EU in the transition to green and circular economy and its decarbonization will be one of the main challenges in the upcoming decade.