On the 26th and 27th of March 2024, young entrepreneurs, researchers and early-stage startups gathered at the final HackTheBusiness competition, at Innovation Forum “John Atanasoff” at Sofia Tech Park (Sofia, Bulgaria), to pitch their innovative and sustainable business idea and compete for a place in the Mentoring & Coaching Programme delivered by ENTREPRENEDU project.

Hosted by CleanTech Bulgaria, the final in the series of three HackTheBusiness hackathons ignited the spark of innovation, transforming the future of the European sustainable ecosystem through green and eco-conscious solutions related to agri-food, construction, manufacturing and digital and creative industries. HackTheBusiness Bulgaria participants were encouraged to think creatively when addressing environmental concerns, with a goal to contribute to a more eco-conscious and resilient future in these key sectors. Additionally, networking opportunities were made possible by the event, allowing all attendees to create lasting relationships that go beyond the occasion.

Ina Todorova, HackTheBusiness Bulgaria Organiser and Project Coordinator at CleanTech Bulgaria added: “HackTheBusiness Bulgaria empowers young entrepreneurs by providing access to business acceleration programs and mentoring, networking opportunities with industry professionals and potential partners, and a platform for professional growth through interdisciplinary collaboration and skill development. Participants gain valuable experience, recognition, and support to refine their sustainable business ideas and navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship, ultimately paving the way for meaningful contributions to the eco-friendly industry landscape.”

After the pitching session to the esteemed ENTREPRENEDU experts, 5 top-notch teams were selected to participate in the ENTREPRENEDU Coaching and Mentoring programme, where they will get the support needed to propel their sustainable business solution. Reflecting on their HackTheBusiness experience, Vladislav, member of the winning team named Local. expressed enthusiasm: “Favourite part of the HackTheBusiness competition for our team was the access to diverse mentors, as this enabled us to approach our idea from different perspectives and receive very valuable feedback.”

During the HackTheBusiness event in Bulgaria, ENTREPRENEDU consortium members held its third General Assembly to discuss further actions toward the common goal. Eleonora Lombardi, ENTREPRENEDU Project Coordinator and Head of Business Applications Department and Senior Technology Transfer Manager at Fondazione E. Amaldi explains: “At the heart of ENTREPRENEDU project lies a profound understanding of the pivotal role entrepreneurship plays in fostering economic growth, innovation, and societal development in the European Union. We recognize that entrepreneurship is not only a driver of prosperity but also a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals to realise their potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities.” Eleonora concludes: “Together as a European consortium converging 6 regions (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Ireland, Germany and Belgium), we have embarked on this journey to unlock the full potential of European entrepreneurship, driving sustainable growth, fostering innovation, and creating a brighter future for generations to come.”

For more information on HackTheBusiness Bulgaria competition and upcoming activities by ENTREPRENEDU project, please visit ENTREPRENEDU website.

ABOUT ENTREPRENEDU PROJECT                                                                                                             

ENTREPRENEDU’s mission is twofold:

  • to cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship across Europe by providing aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed. Through targeted HackTheBusiness regional hackathons that reinvented the role and structure of hackathons, tailored training programs, one to one mentorship initiatives, and several networking opportunities, it seeks to equip individuals with the tools necessary to turn their innovative ideas into thriving businesses especially in low and moderate innovation regions.
  • to promote inclusivity and diversity within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Recognizing that talent knows no boundaries, ENTREPRENEDU strives to create a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds can pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations with confidence and equal opportunity.

Through collaborative partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies, businesses, and civil society organisations, that the E. Amaldi Foundation as a Project Coordinator has established through the years, ENTREPRENEDU’s endeavour is to build a vibrant and interconnected ecosystem that fosters entrepreneurship at every level of society.