European Digital Innovation Hub in Construction Sector

The European Digital Innovation Hub in Construction Sector is established in 2021. The association, uniting the efforts of branch organizations, educational institutions, leading companies in the field of construction, innovation, project management, building materials production and information technologies aims at implementing digital transformation in construction sector.

Grant Agreement: 101083892

Funding program: DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01

Budget: 3 351 197,20 Euro

Start Date: 01.11.2022

End Date: 31.09.2025

Duration: 36 months

Main objectives


Increasing the construction industry competitiveness

・Education and qualification of construction sector employees

・Digitization and innovation for more efficient construction processes

・Circular economy and resource efficiency

・Networking and strategic partnerships



The European digital innovation hub in the construction sector provides information and a complex of services in the following areas:

Test before invest


Providing access to specialized research infrastructure and expertise for testing innovative products and services in order to facilitate their faster market realization.

Training and capacity building

Organizing and conducting specialized trainings and seminars aimed at capacity building in the public and private sector on topics related to the introduction of digital technologies in construction processes.

Access to finance


Access to funding opportunities arising from international and national programs and initiatives for pilot testing of digital technologies and implementation of innovative projects.

Partnerships and networking

Facilitating the access to partner organizations and stimulating networking.


Bulgarian Construction Chamber

The Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria

The Higher School of Civil Engineering “Lyuben Karavelov”

Institute of Mechanics – Bulgarian Academy of Science

Bulgarian Association for Construction Project Management

Cleantech Bulgaria

Planex Ltd.


Baumit Bulgaria

Esri Bulgaria

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development

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