CERESCircular innovation Ecosystem REdesigning Skills

Cleantech Bulgaria implements the CERES projectCircular innovation Ecosystem REdesigning Skills, in partnership with 10 organizations from 6 European countries, including higher education institutions, professional training centres, certifying organizations, representatives of the non-governmental sector and business.

The main goal of the project is to support the ecological transition of the production system by introducing the topic “circular economy” in higher and professional education. Within the project will be developed and piloted training courses and a certification framework supporting the transition to green economy and Industry 4.0.

Grant Contract Number: 101111684

Funding programme: Erasmus+

Grant: 1,241,627.00 EUR

Start date: 01.06.2023

End date: 31.05.2026

Implementation period: 36 months

Link to the project website: Ceres Project (circularceres.net)

The main activities include:

  • Survey of the professional development needs and skills related to the transition to a circular economy
  • Preparation of training programmes for universities and vocational training centres based on the results of the analysis, which cover new trends in technology and innovation
  • Piloting of the training programs in universities and vocational training centres
  • Creation of a Circular Economy Digital Innovation Hub (CE DlH), which will host a MOOC (online learning platform) based on the created training materials, host hackathons and create links between stakeholders
  • Activities related to project management and dissemination of results


Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.