MASTERY – Micro-credentiAlS reliabiliTy unlEashing gReen economY

MASTERY aims to set a standard in the integration of micro-credentials to meet the growing demand for upgrading and re-skilling in strategic sectors to make the green transition a development driver for business and communities.
MASTERY is a Forward-looking project funded under the Erasmus+ Program arising from the collaboration between VET providers, research and development centres, business support organisations and public authorities support organisations committed to making the green transition a development driver for business and communities.
Grant agreement: 101132845
Budget: 893 650.00 €
Start date: 01.01.2024
End date: 31.12.2026
Duration: 36 months
Boosting micro-credentials for sustainable sectors
MASTERY is focused on fostering the collaboration between vocational education and industry with the goal of transforming the way training needs are addressed by promoting innovation in the validation of green skills and in the transferability of micro-qualifications.
The MASTERY results will be crucial in steering vocational training systems towards a greener future economy, facilitating the transition of productive systems towards circular economy principles.
The MASTERY project focuses on micro-credentials related to green skills that can meet the demand for the updating and requalification of professional profiles.
The sectors where the processes of definition, development, and transparency of MASTERY micro-credentials for the green transition will be experimented with are Agri-food, Construction, Wood, and Manufacturing through the development of Sustainable Management skills.
What does MASTERY want to achieve?
To explore the high potential of micro-credentials to accelerate the requalification and updating processes of profiles already active in the labor market and develop courses and certifications for 12 green competencies in micro-credentials.
To create a methodology for the development of micro-credentials that can meet the joint needs of new business competencies, define standardized processes for micro-credential recognition through a shared path among policymakers, actors in the vocational training system, and the public and private ecosystem.
To enhance the capacity of the vocational training system for inter-institutional dialogue, co-designing competencies, knowledge, and the development of training paths in line with the needs of the labor market and individual growth.
MASTERY brings partners together to form a strategic partnership between Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Belguim, Finland.

SFC Sistemi Formativi Confindustria (Italy)

Scuola Superiore de Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S Anna – SSSA (Italy)
Cleantech Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

Konfederatsia na Rabotodatelite i Industrialtsite v Bulgaria – KRIB (Bulgaria)

Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia – CETEM (Spain)

Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora de Fabricantes de Muebles y Afines de la Region de Murcia – AMUEBLA (Spain)

Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management – ACR+ (Belgium)

Pyhäjärvi Institute – PJI (Finland)